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Anxiety & Stress Relief




An herbal supplement to support the nervous system and adrenals, take the edge off, and address depression, anxiety and stress.  Bane berry otherwise know as red cohosh is used for non descriptor depression, and as a local variety comparable to black cohosh with estrogen mimicking effects its traditionally used for pms, back pain, to move stuck liver qi, and for stress.  Motherwort has been used to move stagnation and stagnant emotions, for irritability, and for people with mother abandonment or a lack of nourishment and love from the mother..  Pedicularis is traditionally used for stress and for those who struggle to let go of control, for frozen muscles and also traditionally remedied for repatterining epigenetic or intergenerational trauma and ancestral wounds.  Hops is a great choice to soothe anxiety and take the edge off.  California poppy can be slightly sedating for some people and aides in sleep and for others just calms to nervous system enough to feel relaxed.  Saint johnswort is traditionally used to treat depression and suicidal ideations and is contra indicated with birth control, anti depressants, drugs for psychiatric wellness and other pharmaceuticals.  Do not take if pregnant and consult with an herbalist or health care physician before taking.