6-Month Online Program

Ancestral, Folk, & Herbal
6-Month Online Program

Register Now for
January 27 th-July 2025
Tuesday & Thursdays
5:00pm-7:00Pm MT
REgistration deadline December 1st
Limited Spots Available


Learn Comprehensive, Integrative, Person-Centered & Culturally-Guided Healing


Energetic bodywork

Learning & Working w/ Elders

Energetic cleansing

Ancestral & Inter-generational Healing


Our Teachers and Program Contributions


Our school features medicine workers and elders working across a spectrum of the healing arts. Students have an opportunity to study medicine in the context it is relevant to and classes are often taught in a nonacademic way. Several of the teachers have written books, and may have a masters or PhD but this is not our focus. We value the grandma healers, and the ones who carry the knowledge of many generations of their elders doing the same thing, the people who are actively working with their community and being in touch with their roots.

Read about each teacher’s bio and program contribution below:



  • Celtic Spirituality, Magic, And Mysticism
  • Herbal Remedies for energetic Protection and energetic Boundaries
  • Herbal Remedies for basic body systems
  • Relation to energy of self and others


  • Medicinal Foods For  And Herbs For Cancer Prevention Including Cannabis Care
  • Energy Movement And Hands On Healing, Quantum Healing, And Distance Healing
  • Ancestral Energy Centers And Chakras


  • Power of Hands

  • Grounding Down with Healing Thoughts

  • Healing Mind & Healing Body

  • Herbal Connections


  • Anti-Oppression, Equity, and Accountability Training
  • Protocols and ethics in integration with medical practice
  • The Medicine of Sacred elements and your relationship to them
  • Making tinctures
  • Medicinal vinegars using herbs and fruit
  • Medicinal Plant Material 
  • Discussion of healthy lifestyles, wellness, and healthy eating

About you

Who this program is designed for…


The person who has felt the calling to honor their own healing process and wants to be of service to their community. This is for people who are ready to create their own unique practice of holistic health and medicine. Those who feel in their hearts and spirits and every cell of their body the call towards creating relationship within and without – with the elements, with the plant and stone people, with all of nature and life itself. The ones who want to awaken the cellular and ancestral memory, who honor reverence and humility in the presence of medicine and the medicine keepers.


We have had doctors, nurses, lawyers, homesteaders, massage therapists, journalists, clinical and beginner herbalists, therapists, travelers, wanderers, farmers, native, non-native. We’ve had students at their quarterlife, midlife and ¾ life transitory points, who feel ready to honor their true life calling. Those who have felt disempowered, ready to really do the work, shed the trauma, face the intergenerational wounds, reclaim their roots.


What form will your future take?

Comprehensive Curriculum

What students will learn and gain through this program:

  • A strong foundation in herbal materia medica, 
  • Self-healing, shadow work, and integration
  • Uses of Medicinal Plants for physcial and emotional well-being
  • Heal ancestral trauma and wounds
  • Community building, with emphasis on community health
  • Creating Relationship to the elements (fire, earth, water, air)
  • Learning to honor our innate rhythms and cycles through prayer, ritual, and ceremony
  • Bodywork and intuitive body mapping practice on self and others

Online Program

Online Program


96 hours of educational time

January 16-July 2025

Tuesdays + Thursdays 5:00 – 7:00pm


 Sliding Scale Cost: $2,200-$4,050*


By donation to tribally affiliated members of New Mexico



Program Pricing & Payment

We try to make classes affordable to everyone as well as economically viable for teachers.

*Our programs are offered on a sliding scale, and we ask that you pay within a spectrum of what you can afford. The lower end of the scale applies to people on the lower income tier who also: work full time, are single parents, New Mexico residents or indigenous. To qualify for this you MUST show proof of medicaid or income as a full time employee that has proof of income at poverty levels.  Proof must be sent before admitting to class if you are unable to prove this or additional fees for the middle part of the scale plus tax before admiral to class.  Payments made are non-refundable.

Our sliding scale for the 96 hour online 6 month class is 


Tribally Affiliated people of NM may pay on a donation basis and a 10% NM Heritage discount is offered.

Please follow the link below and fill out the registration form. 

Please reach out to in**@na****************.com if you need to set up a payment plan.  All payment plans must be completed 2 weeks before the start date of class.


Reserve Your Spot

Join us for this exlusive, once-in a lifetime experience.

Morgaine Witriol


Morgaine Witriol is founder of the Native Roots School of Ancestral, Folk & Herbal Medicine in Taos, NM, a collective of 10 different teachers that teach each about their own ancestral healing modalities.  Morgaine is a clinical herbalist, wild crafter, gardener, medicine maker and intuitive being in service to the plant and fungal folk.  At her private practice in Taos, NM people can recieve a combination of clinical, spiritual and medical intuitive treatments including bodywork, herbal consults, somatic trauma release, repatterning and reconditioning intergenerational and ancestral wounds, lymphatic drainage, abdominal massage, and sound healing.  Morgaine’s focus in her practice aside from trauma work is focused working with people that were diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression or hard to treat chronic disease that western medicine is stumped by.  At Native Roots, Morgaine teaches about reclaiming one’s own ancestral traditions as a displaced person, Jewish Folk Medicine, SW Materia Medica, Herbal Allies for Trauma & Grief, Ethics, Cultural Appropriation, Plant Energetics, Energywork, Clinical Herbalism, Flower Essences, Medicine Making and leads several multi-day field trips doing medicinal plant walks.   Really she feels she teaches how to come into relationship with elemental, plant and fungal medicine, and then the indigenous science from all cultures of listening to the body and its layers of epigenetic, ancestral, childhood, organ, and energy center imbalances.  Morgaine developed and ran educational programs accredited through the University of NM, has taught at the American Herbalist guild conference twice, UNM Albuquerque and is now teaching at Northern University on herbalism for the nursing department.  Her favorite people to teach are doctors, nurses, children and teachers.  She has led plant and mushroom walks for the New Mexico Association of Osteopathic Medicine, Flower Hill Institute, presented for Native Plant Society, and taught wellness through plant and mushroom medicine for Taos Municipal Schools Employees. 


In 2010 Morgaine lived in Belize and had the opportunity to apprentice tropical medicine with one of the most revered medicine men in the country the late Don Heriberto Cocom for 1.5 years and with his good friend Don Reginaldo Chayeux in Guatemala.  She brought groups down to study Mayan medicine, herbalism and abdominal massage with him for 7 years until creator called him home.  She collaborated for 10 years with his Nonprofit Association to support the protection of the fully Mayan run rainforest Reserve Bio Itza and brings groups of students to study with him. Morgaine has recognized the importance of honoring healing modalities of all cultures and especially the ones of our own tradition even if they have been forgotten by a few generations.  


Morgaine studied at the Northwest School for Botanical Studies, The Dandelion Center, California School for Herbal Studies, The Dhyanna Center, Blue Otter School, Acutonics Institute for Integrative Medicine, Ethnic Studies and Anthropology at the University of Colorado. She often attends herbal and mushroom conferences.


 She grew up with an immigrant community and found herself easily honoring the elders that still remembered their own language, their own healing modalities and traditions from that community. It was a journey of many years before she started to look deeper into reclaiming the healing practices of the ancestral traditions that she came from and hopes to share with all people of European descent to remember to honor their own ancestors, to connect to the land and the people that are currently practicing and keeping the context of European tribal healing traditions alive today. She hopes to create a safe space to bridge the intergenerational gap of knowledge, cultural similarities and healing tools to encourage self healing and community healing. 


Morgaine worked for Teambuilders counseling Services in 2008 in Taos, New Mexico as a Comprehensive Community Support Specialist teaching “life skills” including communication, stress and anger management, and parenting skills and offering social work opportunities for children and their parents. Later she worked at nonprofit Rocky Mountain Youth Corps with “at risk youth” doing hands-on experiential learning in nature focusing on useful life skills and training once a week for teens. Afterwards she ventured to Guatemala to volunteer at an orphanage and was responsible for 30 girls ages 10-17 as their live in caretaker and teacher for 5 months. in 2011 Morgaine found herself homebound and endured hurricane Sandy’s destruction leaving 13 million people on the East coast without electricity. She coordinated one thousand volunteers a day in Staten Island, New York and spent months doing grass roots disaster recovery with Feeding Family including immediate needs donations and distribution of water, food, respiratory masks, clothing, tho food, medications and animal rehoming, demolition, and later therapeutic urban gardening in elevated community garden beds, fundraising, and more demolition, raw sewage clean up and mold control.

Israel Lopez Jaro

  • Intuitive Coaching & Counsel, Life Coach, and Ceremonial Mentorship
  •  Art Therapy
  • Community Reconnections and Healthy Relations
  • Coyote Teachings for Repatterning Old and Unhealthy Habits
  • Self Healing Techniques and Tools
  • Reaching Sobriety and Coping Mechanisms For Addiction
  • Coping With Death, Grief and Loss
  • Shadow work: Dive into Shadow with Compassion

Miriam Foronda

  • Elder’s Counsel: Intuitive & Spiritual Guidance
  • Energetic Cleansings/ Limpias
  • Heart Healing and Healing Through Hands

NM Heritage Discount Applied



$225-375 sling scale for 1.5 hours, $300-500 for 2 hours


Miram’s sessions are intuitive. Her body and words are a vessel for divine healing and often she channels intuitively the heart medicine that supports one to create and develop their own healing. Miriam awakens the self worth, self value and realignment with ones higher self.



Morgaine Witriol

A combination of these services is provided in one session. Distance sessions and in person.

$150 deposit is quired in advance


$225-375 sling scale for 1.5 hours, $300-500 for 2 hours

By-donation for all New Mexican heritage peoples

  • Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Trauma Release: Physical and emotional trauma release with energetic work. This may include repatterining of old habits that no longer serve a person, healing intergenerational and ancestral wounds, somatic healing of childhood or past trauma and emotional traumatic events held in different parts of the body.
  • Sound Therapy: Tuning forks and Tibetan Singing Bowls are used as tools to assist in alleviating chronic pain, trauma, stress, emotional and physical ailments, and in the release of negative energies
  • Herbal Consult:  Available by phone or in person.  An evaluation and assessment of the whole person will be made and a custom formula will be recommended based on clinical knowledge. 
  • Energetic Herbal Assessment:  Let the herbs choose you.  An energetic assessment will be made to see which medicines want to work with your body, mind and spirit.  
  • Custom Clinical Herbal Formula: Tinctures, teas, oils, salves and flower essences are available for purchase without assessment or consult.
  • Spirit Recall & Alignment with higher self, grounding and energetic alignment. Removal of energies .
  • Healing Ancestral and Intergenerational Wounds for past, present and future generations
  • Soul Purpose Alignment
  • Shedding of Illness on an Energetic Level: Often times the root cause or source of an illness is at a spiritual and emotional level. This session will be to address the root cause, and have you the patient work through and transform and shift the body of the illness into health. This could be a physical pain body, emotional or spiritual pain body.
  • Lymphatic Drainage: Warm oil with Guasha and Cupping techniques applied to help with scar tissue, toothaches, stagnation in body, trapped heat, and release of deep toxins
  • Castor Oil Packs: Hot oil packs applied to the body.  Castor oil can help break up scar tissue, cysts, and tumors, relieve arthritis and pain in joints and muscles, boost immune function and the lymphatic system, and clear acne and other skin issues, and constipation